Friday, October 28, 2016

Day Twenty-Seven: kat-er-foil

a leaf composed of four leaflets.
Architecture. a panellike ornament composed of four lobes, divided bycusps, radiating from a common center.

I thought it may be a little interesting to some to learn a little history of a motif that we are seeing alot today in modern design.  It is the quatrefoil.

In History of Design class, getting introduced to something that was there all the time, then having my eyes opened to it was super interesting to me.

The quatrefoil is one of those that once brought to your attention, makes architecture a lot more interesting.  Pronounced:  kat=er-foil

You will see a lot of this design in old churches.

WayneKorea. 2011, 4th August . Gothic architecture. Flickr..

This gorgeous motif is still in tact and gives this modern
setting beautiful architecture.

Modernized chateau, living in a castle by the sea in the 21st century

Wallpaper gives a bold statement mimicking the ancient quatrefoil design.

Self adhesive vinyl temporary removable wallpaper, wall decal sticker MB006

Here you see it in wood carved flooring tiles.

Bathroom floor tile but still looks like hardwood

Kitchen backsplash.

quatrefoil tile gives excellent texture to a kitchen.  I wonder how hard it is to keep clean.

Quatrefoil Table Lamp, Gilded Iron

Ava Nest of Tables, Julian Chichester.  Set of two nesting tables with a warm aged gold quatrefoil frame and clear glass insert:

So in case you have never paid attention, I think you will now begin to see this motif in many modern designs and know it has a deep root in historical architect.