Sometimes we want blessings, more things, when our lives are completely cluttered with too many things. It has a way of snuffing out every bit of breath your home may have or, how ever you want to apply this.
I also know of someone that was praying for a husband and lived her life as a single person. Her home and everything she did, did not have a space for another person. For example, her garage had only one space for a car because it was only her. This brought to her attention, she cleared space for another vehicle in hopes this would move her closer to her dreams. And yes, it attracted the very thing that she had longed for.
It's kind of like churches, I have heard when they get 80% full, it is time to begin a building program less your congregation begins to decline. I am not sure just why, but proven.
I have found for myself joy when I have one drawer that is empty, one large bowl sitting on a counter completely empty and extra hanging space in my closet.
So that being said, I am on the path to begin decluttering my home and cleansing. Instead of purchasing another accessory that I really do not need, I want to purchase tin containers to put my spices in and replace hodge-podge bowls, etc. with some fresh sets just to begin with. This will take some time and money but mainly discipline! Ew, that's a word we really do not like.
I hope you have had a great week end as I have had. Looking forward to what this coming week has in store. Good night.