I have heard some that make fun of people who post pics on social media of what they are drinking or the food they are eating. Here is my take on it.
For me personally, for example in this second pic, the caption was "favorite lunch with favorite guy". When I post pics like this, especially on my Instagram, it really captures that moment for me. It is a happy time. Yes! I am having my favorite lunch and what makes it even at a higher level, I am with my favorite person!
Capturing these "small moments" in our days teaches us to appreciate every small moment. Don't think you have to wait until you are at your best friend's wedding or you just graduated from college, or your child had a birthday. If you don't embrace the smaller moments of your day, you are truly missing out.
Our days are made up of moments. Why not make them great?
Learn to appreciate every little "red letter" moment in your day.
The thing that begins to happen, every time you see a ray of light shining through a window and illuminating a glass vase, see a first flower bloom in your garden, get a new journal in the mail or a ton of other little things in your day...
you learn to live in the moment, appreciate every thing you have (be grateful) and realize all along you indeed do have a wonderful life full of nice surprises.
Capturing these moments literally warms my heart when I take a stroll down memory lane by way of my Instagram "red letter" moments of my day. Kinda like a visual calendar of my past.
How great is a latte with a beautiful swirl? This is a meeting Hannah and I had at a coffee shop.
I love sketching and this coffee cup was just a picturesque moment.
Thanks for stopping by.