I have often thought, if I were the teacher for a senior citizen's class, the main thing I would remind them is to never stop dreaming. When you stop dreaming, you die.
As our lives begin to push towards that category, it really makes you think. Gary and I have had 3 major areas of focus and as we see these things finally coming to pass. Then you begin to think, what's next?
Life changes when you are an empty nester. Lucky for us, our prodigal son came home 2 years ago. We are thankful he is here and watching him recover from the scars of sin in his life has been rewarding. You know, when the prodigal returned home in the bible, it did not give us details of his possible recovery time period and all he had to do to get recovered from his possible acquired addictions. We just have to rejoice in the fact that he is home and we know in time, he will be all God has purposed him to become.
Pastor preached last Sunday how frustrated God can become with us when He paid for so much and we believe for so little. We must mix faith in our prayers to activate His promises in our lives.
Now for some things, what we have learned is sometimes He is indeed going to say yes to your prayer, but, we have to wait. Now this is hard to do. But, strong faith is when you stay at peace and KNOW that HE WILL do it in HIS time.
"When your faith is stronger than your fears, you and make your dreams happen".
We have seen these kind of prayers first hand. Trust me, He is indeed faithful. Just wait. But while waiting, occupy. I mean do all you know to do with each day. Live your best life and try to grow,
Find the best thing in your day and think on this. Be thankful. Take every negative thought, and we have many of those, and turn it into a positive affirmation.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
Be blessed and have a great week.