Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Day Twenty-Four: Monday

I am not sure what it is but MONDAY is the longest day of the week.

Mine started with "get up, and look at Facebook".  FINALLY, my daughter and her hubby announced publicly the pregnancy of their first baby!

So, I had to dig through my over 1k pics in my phone and get that one pic of the RED LETTER DAY when they gathered both sets of parents to tell us the news!

Just yesterday I found the perfect baby bed in the perfect neighborhood at a super clean house just for little baby Kennard.  Sweet.

Some hours spent with Hannah, then lunch and off to first day of early voting.  It was a three hour wait but had to be done.  Thankfully, the weather has been near perfection.

Then, to watch Hannah's first multi-consultant Lularoe online sales and view the albums of some fun new prints and styles of the company through her team.

My favorite comment of the day.  I screen shot it, cropped and embellished.  Love.

 My well deserved sticker!!

Here is a snap shot from my phone of a live Facebook sales happening tonight and...will continue tomorrow night at 6:30.

Just stop in and watch the sale, ask questions, give your comments and if you see something you would like, you can purchase.  She sends you a Google Doc to complete and make your payment.
It's a fun way to shop.

Join this page and the link to go to the Multi-Consultant sale is there.

#votefortrump #votedfortrump #lularoe #earlyvoting #grandchild #redletterday

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