Tonight I am a pretty tired camper. As Ladies Leader of The Church Triumphant, Pasadena, we finished off a major event today.
This is our crew for the live cast that made it all happen, either in front of the camera or behind the scenes. We got a ton of smocks modified for breast cancer patients and raised donations for this great cause. I am anxious to get the final count.
Working for a cause greater than yourself is so rewarding. It has been a lot of hours spent to make it all happen, but kind of like a wedding, you bask in the remains and wonderful events and happenings of the day for a long time. I am so thankful for the fabulous video captured of this day.
This event can be found as recorded LIVE today on Facebook/Smocks of Love. Please take a moment and enjoy. It is not too late to give. Ten dollars will purchase one smock for a lady that is in treatment for breast cancer. These smocks provide modesty and dignity and sewn with a lot of love and prayers.
Thanks for stopping by today!