Since I enjoy writing about home life, I think it is necessary to give honor where honor is due. My mother is my inspiration. In all of my travels, I observe woman everywhere I go, take notes and learn from them. I have been blessed to have been trained by the best. My memories of home are all good. I am thankful that I do not have any "baggage" that I take with me from my past.
My mother married at 17, had 3 girls and 10 years later a son. She was the classic SAHM (stay at home mom). After my Dad died from Leukemia, she sold her home in the New Orleans suburb, and moved to her home roots, Alexandria, La.
Here are some things you would love about my Mom.
When you go to her home, it is so clean. It smells fresh, the floors are clean, the whole house is uncluttered, her sheets and towels smell so good, her beds are made with very soft covers, she always has plenty of bright white wash cloths, there is always the aroma of home made cooking: gumbo, biscuits, fried chicken tenders, real mashed potatoes, gravy, roast, garden vegetables, etc. etc. Her cooking is great!
Although she is now 75 plus, she still keeps her yard immaculate! Every time I talk to her, she generally has just mowed either the front or back yard. I really can’t figure out how she gets anything done with all the calls she receives from her kids and grandchildren.
For Christmas, she always makes hand made items that are very nice or wonderful tins of home made candy.
She is the queen of "fresh". Most of my "fresh" ideas come from her.
My mother is about 6' tall and has always been a classic dresser. Her hair is the perfect salt and pepper and great texture.
Greatest attribute: she is a Christian. Her home church now is the Pentecostals of Alexandria. This is an awesome church.
One memory I love: although we cleaned our own rooms when we
were at home, I remember times that my Mom would detail clean one of our rooms.
I like the time she dyed all the sheets on the bed and made them look new and
made some curtains.
Billie Parker Walston, widow of Loyd Walston, Belle Chasse, La. www.thepentecostals.org