At the end of 2008, my husband resigned as pastor at The Pentecostals of Crosby due to some severe health challenges. This was a real leap of faith financially. I knew that I really needed to find a job opportunity that would allow me to help with the budget, but at the same time, I was really needed to help assist my husband who was really battling to even get around in our home.
My sister-in-law came up with a brilliant idea that I should pursue The Pampered Chef business opportunity. I really valued Shelley's opinion, and dove in. Her friend, now my director, has worked with the Pampered Chef for 14 years and is blessed with a great income and annual exotic vacations for her family.Since becoming a consultant with the PC family, I now own my own business, and have already reached the future director level. I have fallen in love with the products. This month, I have 9 cooking shows in my schedule. I love meeting people everywhere I go and showing them how they can have a "best life" with the Pampered Chef.I have a personal web site, but am not allowed to advertise it per PC rules. If you would like to visit my site, please contact me through my email address and I would be happy to direct you to this site and assist you with some great products, show you have you can receive free and discounted products or how you too can enjoy the benefits of working with the PC family. My website address is, without me sharing the actual link is: pampered chef dot biz slash your best life dot com You can figure it out.
Today my company had a conference call for new future directors. Dan Arwine, one of the directors of US Sales of The Pampered Chef made this comment. He told the story of the Nascar driver that was asked, "how can you stay at a speed of 200 miles per hour plus, keep control and never hit the side walls?". His answer was simple. "I never look at the side walls."Wow! This is really an awesome thought! No matter what race in life you may be running....whether it be trying to find a new career, a new home, the right car, trying to find the right life partner, or what ever, you just may need to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want.Dan said he experimented with it one day while riding his bike. "I kept my focus on a rock on the side of the road I wanted to avoid and sure enough, after keeping my eyes on the rock long enough, I began to go right into it."I believe keeping the "big picture" planted firmly in your mind and focusing on what contributes to the desired outcome, will eventually help you to find yourself right where you want to be.
Judy, my "big" sister, is one of the most fun people you will ever be with. Her gift is making you laugh and encouraging you when you need it most.
A first memory I am privileged to remember about Judy's many talents is, when she was about 10 years old, she sculpted a hand that she created out of mud. It was really neat and how I wish it could have been preserved! Since then to now, her many talents have soared to great heights! And, "hands" have been sculpted and painted in many shapes and forms. I know Judy is capable of building a house from scratch if she just wanted to.
It is a must that you visit her blog that features her many creations in art. At present, Judy is an interior designer at the VA hospital staff in Alexandria, Louisiana. She has completed her degree in art in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a member of the Pentecostals of Alexandria and a member of the sanctuary choir. Judy also gives "fantastic" massages! Her home is very serene with faux finishes on the walls, an art gallery with unusual themed rooms of her many creations.
Her children are, Kevin, a banker in Alexandria and husband of Rebekka, a school teacher, Michelle, full time mother of twins and teen daughter, wife of Wallace, a chemist and Jennifer, of Houston, Texas, marketing in the banking industry.