I will be honest with you. I have felt empty, no words and could not imagine another subject that I have not already shared that could be of interest to anyone.
I texted my deep thinker, encourager sister, Judy and she has cheered me on.
What is the one thing that we all struggle with the most? And, what is the main number one thing in EVERYONE'S LIFE that is imperative that we get it right or we are sunk???
Our thought process!
I have talked about it before but it is worth mentioning again. Here is how I stay on track:
I think sometimes we are our own worse enemy. Without even realizing it, we put ourselves down, speak negativity into our lives, allow negative people to pull us under and expose ourselves to too many things that drag us through the mud.
When I become depressed, not on the top of my game, wondering through my day without joy and a song, I have to stop and see what it is pulling me this direction. Even when you have a bad feeling, sometimes you can track it down and see just how that incident in your day made you the target. Many times when you find it, you realize it was really nothing. Or, not near enough to make you feel the way you were feeling, so, you can let it go.
Sometimes it is deeper than that. Do you REALLY want to get help?? I am going to tell you something but if you don't do it you WILL NOT BE HELPED. Trust me, it really works.
Get something to write with and I want you to write down every negative thought that is constantly bombarding your mind. It may be things like, no one at my job seems to like me, I am overweight, I can't seem to do anything right, it looks like I will never get ahead, etc. etc.
I did this once and I had about 25 things at least!! Now....do this!
Take each one of those negative thoughts and turn them into a positive affirmation.
"My co workers think I am an interesting person. They love to talk to me and I am amazed how they value my friendship".
Everyday I am finding new ways to eat healthy and enjoy expanding ways to get more exercise. I know I will soon be loving this new lifestyle.
Each day I am making better decisions, I am gaining knowledge to make right choices and I am on the top of my world.
I know that everyday new doors of opportunity is opening for me to use my God given talents to bring me to my fullest potential.
Now, do you see the difference??!!
Know this: "Everyone struggles with keeping the thought process in tact". The difference is, successful people have learned to not accept those bad thoughts to nest in their head.
Now here are some things I have learned to help me stay in a positive mind set. I am sure if you are reading this, you have discovered some of your own.
- Read your positive affirmations everyday out loud if necessary until you believe it. The more you read it, the more it will sink into your thoughts as reality!
- Surround yourselves with positive people. If there is someone that pulls you down when you are around them, I would avoid being around that person. If it is a family member, I would talk to them and explain how their negativity is hurting you and you are trying to overcome.
- Read positive books. There are many: Hung by the Tongue, An Enemy Called Average, Think and Grow Rich, You Were Born an Original, Don't Die a Copy to name a few.
- Listen to good music.
- Find a good church and dive in head first.
- Surround yourself with beauty. It may just start with clearing your bathroom lavatory and putting a fresh flower in a vase. You made a good step in the right direction!!
- Do something positive. Even something as simple as cleaning out your purse, organizing ONE drawer could be all it takes to flip the starter and take you to greatness. One small success breads another.
- Remember a lot of small things become big things.
Enough for now. I hope as my title of this blog says "If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living will not be in vain" truly does help someone along their way.
Let me know if this has helped you in any way. I would love to hear from you.
Have a great Sunday!
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