Sunday, October 22, 2017

Day 22: An Actual Fall Sunday

It was rainy when leaving for church this morning but by the time we left the building to go home, the weather was brisk and cool.  Love!  Abbey and I arrived a bit early so I could play the piano in the Connections Class as TCT new members arrived for a savory breakfast, coffee and juice.

We were blessed with a missionary and family today from Malaysia.  He shared several clips of miraculous healings in India and places they have ministered.  Any time God moves in our church, I always want to give God a chance to touch my husband, healed of MS but still left disabled in a power chair.  We know in God's time, his walking will be restored.  Bishop Glass and his wife, Joan prayed for him.  It was so beautiful to see love and compassion right before your eyes.  Then, the missionary prayed for him.  We are blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives!

Thank you Beverly Seale for offering your time to meet with me and help set up for our India booth for the World Marketplace next week end.  And thanks to all other ladies who have signed up to help us during the event.  It is also great to have Amber Logan heading up this entire event.  Her support means a lot just knowing she is there to pick up any loose ends.

Lunch today at Jimmy Changas Deer Park.  It's decor is inspiring.  It gets me jealous that I did not think of all of those design ideas.  It's a ten on my scale.  Well done!  The food is also excellent.  

Abbey enjoyed some play time with her cousin, Isaiah.  Pictured, a crazy selfie she made with my phone at Jimmy Changes.

Nighty Night!