Judy, my "big" sister, is one of the most fun people you will ever be with. Her gift is making you laugh and encouraging you when you need it most.
A first memory I am privileged to remember about Judy's many talents is, when she was about 10 years old, she sculpted a hand that she created out of mud. It was really neat and how I wish it could have been preserved! Since then to now, her many talents have soared to great heights! And, "hands" have been sculpted and painted in many shapes and forms. I know Judy is capable of building a house from scratch if she just wanted to.
It is a must that you visit her blog that features her many creations in art. http://judywalstonartist.blogspot.com/ At present, Judy is an interior designer at the VA hospital staff in Alexandria, Louisiana. She has completed her degree in art in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a member of the Pentecostals of Alexandria and a member of the sanctuary choir. Judy also gives "fantastic" massages! Her home is very serene with faux finishes on the walls, an art gallery with unusual themed rooms of her many creations.
Her children are, Kevin, a banker in Alexandria and husband of Rebekka, a school teacher, Michelle, full time mother of twins and teen daughter, wife of Wallace, a chemist and Jennifer, of Houston, Texas, marketing in the banking industry.
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