In 1974 I married the man of my dreams. Gary, 21, from a fabulous family, out of the most fantastic church and home grown by the world's greatest pastor, James Kilgore.
Once I made my start living for God at age 14, I prayed for direction for my life. I could never imagine myself, married, having a home and children and living a "normal" life. I knew that my entire life must be dedicated and full time for the work of God. When I met Gary, we shared the same passions for kingdom work and more than that, we fell head over heels in love. It has been that love and our commitment to our vows we took in marriage, that has carried us through every rocky road.
Our first six months married, we traveled full time preaching revivals in churches. I would play my accordion, piano or organ and sing, then Gary would preach.
In the fall of 1974 God called us to a college town in Brookings, South Dakota. We pioneered a new United Pentecostal Church we called "The Voice of Truth".
From there, we traveled, pastored in Winston-Salem, NC, Marksville, LA, pioneered another new work in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX and presently pastory in Crosby, TX.
Gary is so much like his pastor, full of compassion and very close to God. When you live with a preacher, you know him like no one else. I can say that he practices what he preaches.
I am blessed to have a husband who is a great Daddy and Dad to our 11 year old daughter, Hannah, and our 20 year old son, Aaron.
We are pretty much together 24/7. When we are apart, we thank God for cell phones. lol
Gary's ministry and what he is at the core is faith in a faithful God, possessing a positive mental attitude, guarding the words of your mouth, and declaring the good things that God has for our lives.
In the past few years, Gary has experience what has been diagnosed as post polio syndrome. It is trying to progress daily. I, first hand, see his struggles, and I also see him "pressing on", waiting for the promise of God to come. This has been a true test. It is in these kind of times when we prove God's faithfulness in our lives. We just keep doing what is right, then God comes through. We have seen it too many times to throw in the towel now! I will someday write of the miracle working power of God in his life.
Learn more about Gary in his own blog: gmadden.blogspot.com or a google search, Gary Madden. He is all over the internet with his many recent entrepreneur endeavors.
I thank for the information. I did not know it.
Since this post, Gary was diagnosed with MS after 8 years of searching for a reason for his disability. He came to near death before this diagnoses. Once treated, he became totally revived, still in a wheelchair, but began teaching for 2 years at a Christian School. The school closed. Now Gary is in college full time working on a business degree.
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