Earlier in my life I have done Tupperware and Pampered Chef parties. From that experience I indeed learned what NOT to do as a hostess.
There are a few tricks to helping set the tone for your guest to feel right at home and comfy as soon as they enter your home or even your place of business if that is the venue.
But, there are also some keys for getting them through the door in the first place.
Getting Your Guest To Come:
- If you are a Facebook user, you have a great tool. Facebook has a place to set up "events". Go to your home page, look in the left column, click on events, then you will see a +Create button that will allow you to set up an event, add a cover photo, invite friends, etc. Don't be discouraged if you do not have a lot of response to this one. It is a great tool to make all of your FB friends and family aware of your upcoming event but I have found people hesitate to confirm until the last minute. But keep going...
Here is a shot of a Facebook event set up:
- Nothing like word of mouth. Your friends will appreciate a warm personal invitation from you by talking to them and letting them know that you really would love to have them in your home and be a part of your event.

- Emails can also be a good list to select from in inviting guest. I would suggest using a pretty stationery that your account has available free. I use yahoo and there is a little square near where you choose fonts, sizes, bold, etc. and it has some fun colors, etc. to choose from. Spice it up and make it look like a fun event. Always remember to include: who, what, when and where.
Here is a shot of a recent email I personally sent to my clients using a stationery decor on my email:
- I love using an app called Phonto. It allows me to use a photo and write my information on it and gives a great professional look.
- Don't overlook using your phone and text those you are close to. I used the above Carly invite to text to friends. No words, just this pic that said it all. Note: DO NOT SEND IN A GROUP TEXT!! Your friends will love to get the "personal" touch from you with their own personal invitation. It does not really take that much longer to do.
Day of event:
I use this little guy or one that gives the same message. He has helped me MANY times in many different ways. PEOPLE FULLY INTEND TO COME, THEY JUST FORGET!
Again, if texting, you may want to use Phonto and put your message on this pic so it says it all.
Prepping Your Home:
You may think your pets are a part of your family, but please, put your sweet little pets away for the party. Some people are very allergic to and uncomfortable around pets.
The best decor is a just a clean house. Most importantly is to have your restrooms really clean and counters cleaned that any clothing may get placed on when your guest are trying on Lularoe.
Nothing says party like soft music and a candle burning. Just be careful to burn unscented candles unless you have just one scented to not be offensive to any guest. Tiny tealights are a great bang for the buck and if you light one, let it burn completely out. Enjoy even after the party is over and you take in the essence of your home that is clean, some left over snacks and drinks to enjoy and the lingering warmth of the guest that was left behind.
Small votive candle holders are .50 and a box of tealight candles are 1.49 at Hobby Lobby. Great choices.
When Your Guest Arrive:
Your guest will feel right at ease when you offer them something to drink. Even if it is just water that has slices of fresh lemon and lime, it will be a welcoming gesture. Ice tea can have slices of orange.
Simple snacks as dry cookies, pretzels or cheese slices and crackers are suitable for a party. Personally, since I did all in my power to get these guest here, I ramped up just a bit and added a good pasta salad. Just be conscious of clothing that is being sold and keep it from messy sticky items.
When Hannah Arrives:
Hannah will arrive one hour
before your scheduled party. She is happy and thankful for any help to
unload and reload her items. She has a certain way for all to come out
and go back in. Just follow her lead. She is blessed that you are
having her and happy for your assistance.
She will need: a place to set up to check out. If you have internet and she is able to connect to your wifi while there, you can give her the password. Otherwise, she will use a connection on her phone if necessary.
She could use a small table area for leggings.
A small snack and drink offered to Hannah during the party is nice. Most of the time, she does not have time to help herself.
She will need room for about 5 - 6 racks. No need to rearrange your home. She is a pro at helping know how to fit in her inventory easily.
Encourage your guest to try on the clothing. While they are going to try on, suggest other items they may want to try on while in the process of changing.
If you have full length mirrors available, having one available for your guest is great.
Remember: lighting is really important in showcasing the Lularoe clothing. It is to your advantage to see that all lighting has working light bulbs. They are more apt to purchase items that really show up under the best of lighting.
Enjoy the perks!
A successful party means you, the hostess gets lots of your friends a the party, promotes a fun atmosphere and sell lots of Lularoe!! YOU WILL ENJOY 1 free item of your choice for every 10 items sold at your party!!
Be happy in knowing...
that your friends loved coming to your home, not only for shopping but meeting new people, maybe a few hours for a much needed break and best of all, feel fabulous in the most comfy clothing that makes them feel beautiful.